Friday 11 September 2015

A peaceful (last day) at sea - or almost WWIII!!!

Looking to take advantage of an early morning, I headed for the quite busy on-deck laundromat. Very soon discovered that they can be like war zones!!! When one dryer completed it's work, and no one arrived to empty it, a waiting woman cruiser carefully emptied it, placing the dry clothes neatly on a table. Five or six minutes later, the woman owner (with a woman colleague) appeared and was seriously aggrieved that someone had "touched" her washing. Not content with a reasonable explanation and apology, she batted on and it quickly developed into "landrywomen at one pace". A passing Cabin Steward, hearing the commotion, was unable to achieve calm or quiet, and I was forced to step in (almost physically!!) to restore something like calm - but only for a few brief seconds, before it erupted again. This time the only other guy there (like me, a novice in the matter of laundry) stepped in as well, and a parting of the ways was finally achieved. My hopes from this experience are twofold:
1. That I never again need to encounter "landrywomen"; and
2. That the Kangaroos show as much fighting spirit against Richmond as these three mid 50's veterans of the "Great Baltic Laundry War".

The balance of the day was blissful, with beautiful sunshine as we lazily cruised south toward Copenhagen. In sight of land on both sides of the ship for most of the day, passing and overtaking many ships of all sizes (a few yachts included) and km after km of sea based wind farms. Joe Hockey would hate the scenery!!!

In a number of areas there were both north-south and east-west channels and we regularly had ships running parallel on port and starboard as well as crossing forward and aft. We were also flown over by a pollution inspection aircraft.

The final show was a hypnotist, and of course there is something strangely compelling about watching people "perform" under hypnosis - as long as you are not one of them. Last dinners are always a bit sad, but it was "good bye" to our table friends, whose company we had much enjoyed.

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