Monday 24 August 2015

Bad day in Paris - 24 August

After wonderful weather for the last 6 days, we woke to a mild but wet Paris day. Early steady rain which broke up for parts of the day but was with us in fits and starts pretty well all day - occasionally heavy, but mostly just beyond annoying, and sometimes worse.

We had a bus tour around the principal tourist sites which kept us quite dry. We then took leave at Invalides and walked back to Montparnasse and then the full length of Rue de Rennes though St Germaine before heading to the Seine and walking back to Musee D'Orsay and catching the Metro back to Javel and Avalon Creativity.

The Creativity is a beautiful ship kept in pristine condition and I could not fault any part of what Avalon delivered on this trip.  Being on the Royal Deck obviously had the benefit of the best views - including always being well above the river bank (except when in the locks) and beeing just steps from the rear lounge and its facilties. Our docking port is just a little distance from the Eiffel Tower, so it is always in view and we have an adjacent sightseeing balloon (locked down due to the weather today).

Our last dinner was, as always, beautiful, with the wine flowing freely. The challenge is a very early start tomorrow - taxi booked for 6.40am for the 8.07am train Paris Gare de l'Este to Berlin. Packing still to be done!!

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