Sunday 30 August 2015

Copenhagen again

Another very pleasant day around 20C and no wind. Sacrificed our breeze last night in the interests of sleep - amazing the impact of double glazing.

Resumed our HOHO experiences by taking trip around Chritianshavn, the old Danish military area, now home to lots of cultural, artistic and musical campuses, sports fields, community garden plots (on which the locals generally have a very small summer house) and the Christiana freewheeling alternative community. Hopped off at new Copenhagen Mall, built on site of the old fish market (absolutely best toilets yet - pristine! Most public toilets in Copenhagen cannot cope with the massive tourist numbers.

Then around further for boat to Nyhaven, which is the waterfront area most emblematic of Copenhagen, and lined on both sides with 3 to 5 story brightly painted properties dating to the 1740's. Full of restaurants and all fully patronised today. Wandered on to the Royal Danish Playhouse and then through the streets of the Stroget (Copenhagen's bunny hopping pedestrianised inner core) which is lined with shops,  shops, shops!

Final HOHO bus route, out and back to Carlsberg Brewery. We have had full value from our 48 hour ticket - all 3 bus routes, the boat route, a canal tour and a few link up rides.

Feet up for an hour before we head off to Happy Hour and then out to Tivoli Gardens for the evening. Tivoli is Copenhagen's, and the world's, grand old classic amusement park since 1843 - on 20 acres of city central land and very close to our hotel.

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