Sunday 23 August 2015

Rouen - Saturday 22 August

Slower paced day today as we enjoyed blue skies and 30C in Rouen, the capital of lower Normandy.  Started off with a guided walk around the old town which features many spired churches (leading Victor Hugo to call Rouen the "city of the hundred spires"). Despite its WWII devastation, its old town contains 800 classified buildings and numerous half timber houses dating back to the 15th century.

It is also the city of Joan of Arc's barbaric martrydom, now memorialised on site in a beautiful stained glass centre, and it was the spectacularly spired Cathedral of Our Lady, that inspired one of Claude Monet's series of works.

Back on board for lunch (food is first class) before Pat and I explored further into an area of stunning food shops. The great pity is that you simply cannot get to eat it because we are so well fed on board. We wandered through a pedestrianised restaurant precint with a stream running through, an area of antique shops and even a violin/strings artisan.

The cobblestones are very hard on the feet and legs, and we always need to struggle a bit to get back on board. Took the opportunity for an on board haircut - Ezster from Hungary and just 8€!!!

Beautiful dinner as we sailed off in the sunshine and later finished the evening with the crew show - highlighted by an outstanding comedy skit. The crew are from many nations and seem to have great comradrie to go with their bright dispositions and dedicated customer service commitment.

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