Saturday 29 August 2015

Saturday in Copenhagen

We are in an area full of hotels and lots of restaurants - but on the edge of Copenhagen's red light district.  Lots of noise through to daylight hours, but one of us slept through it. Very nice breakfast and then off to explore.

My plans were pretty quickly thwarted by building works on the main canal and by the fact that the Copenhagen Open Water Swim was on (full day of events, swimming around one of the CBD islands). Altered plans with a 48 hour hop on/hop off bus and boat ticket. On the boat to Nyhaven, the Little Mermaid and then to Amalienborg Palace where Fred and Mary live - they were not taking visitors, but we at the right time for the Changing of the Guard. Big crowds everywhere in a very nice 23C day of full sun. The locals love the sunshine (bikes and boats everywhere) and were out in force, bolstered by the passengers off four big cruise ships.

Then on to bus to Rosenborg Castle and its gardens, built in the early 1600's by King Christian IV as a summer residence. Walked through part of the Stroget, the main shopping area and then took boat around the canals - amazing the number of boats out on the water.  Saturday afternoon, amazing also the number of wedding attendees arriving by bike. Bikes are everywhere, big costs in having a car - and sometimes it is near impossible to get along a footpath because of the parked bikes. The locals have great bike skills - talking, texting, taking photos while in full flight is common.

Walked home via Christiansborg Palace, once the royal palace (rebuilt six times in 800 years ) and now government offices.

Happy Hour at our hotel is free so enjoyed some wine with 5 South Australians who had just arrived (3 sailing on our cruise). Dinner down the street in a very old and authentic Danish restaurant -I could not finish my schnitzel!! On the way back had to pass a Lidl store, Pat can report that Lidl is just like Aldi.

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