Tuesday 25 August 2015

Paris to Berlin

Long day with very early breakfast and taxi.  Very light traffic (last week of summer holidays) saw us with plenty of time for Paris to Mannheim leg. On a TGV but not all the route is fast track - best is within France and touched 313km/hour. French countryside is quite spectacular with almost manicured cropping - grain harvest finished but now ploughing for next season. Very nice breakfast/morning tea box on French leg with passenger announcements in French, German and English.

Quick transfer at Mannheim for Berlin train. Once again very comfortable but without the niceties of France - buy your food and drink and announcements just in German. Agricultural areas very nice but not, the precision of the French. Many, many wind farms, some huge with around 100 turbines and quite a few solar farms.

On time into Berlin (after more than 9 hours) and brisk 800M walk to our hotel. The value of a pre-trip exchange of pleasantries (suck up!!!!) was rewarded with an upgrade to a full apartment (just completely renovated) with the works, kitchen, dishwasher, washing machine, dryer etc, etc. Pasta and pizza meal then off for a walk during which Pat discovered a supermarket - naturally, the best and cheapest she has ever encountered!!!! Blueberries €0.99/200gr - she is still talking about it, and still eating blueberries.

Big day of sightseeing tomorrow - forecast 28C.

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